In Memory of the Heroes Of the 44-Day War: the Play "Im Anush Tgha /My Sweet Boy/" on the Stage of Economics (Photos)

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Today, staging of the play "Im Anush Tgha /My Sweet Boy/" wrote by playwright Anahit Aghasaryan and actress-director Tatevik Ghaplanyan turned into a theatrical event at the University of Economics, commemorating the memory of the HEROES fell in the 44-day Artsakh war. Crossing the line of acting, our students shone, embodying original characters, convincingly creating tragic and at the same time optimistic, tearful and humorous episodes of the war.

The performance, initiated and implemented by the efforts of the Advisor to Rector, Associate Professor Lilit Dadayan, and the wonderful play of student-actors: Anahit Hakobyan, Marjan Gulinyan, Inesa Mardoyan, Aram Petrosyan, Zhora Stepanyan, Gagik Vardanyan, Harutyun Sukoyan, Vrezh Sahakyan and Vahram Voskanyan, was a homage to the memory of ASUE students fell in the war.

The performance ended with the screening of photos of the students fell in the 44-day war in Artsakh. ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan thanked the acting students, Lilit Dadayan for the wonderful performance, as well as Lilit Arzumanyan, the Rector of Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography, who was present, noting that one of the actors is a student of that Institute. The Rector also thanked the playwright Anahit Aghasaryan.

"After the end of the war, we have dedicated several events to our fallen students. From now on, no matter what kind of event we’ll organize again, like this performance, it will be our homage to their memory: we assure, that the boys are in our hearts forever"; Diana Galoyan stated.

Yes, the art has a life-giving power, and today the audience was witness of it.

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