Armenian State University of Economics Has Been Accredited for the Second Time

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Armenian State University of Economics has been accredited for four years at the session of the National Center for Professional Education Quality Assurance Foundation (ANQA) Accreditation Committee held on June 19.

While being interviewed Ani Hakobyan, Head of ASUE Quality Assurance Division, noted; " In May, 2018, ASUE has applied to ANQA according to the accreditation procedure, after which in October, 2019, the first visit of the expert group took place.

Then the process was stopped caused by COVID-19, then it was resumed only this year. Accreditation is one of the guarantees of sustainable activity and development of a higher education institution. The main purpose of state accreditation is to ensure that the quality of professional education of the mentioned University is recognized by the State. The assessment is conducted by 10 criteria referring to all aspects of the University's activity, and the University will be accredited if the requirements are met.

Accreditation certifies that the Republic of Armenia has recognized the quality of the University educational programs, as it assures that ASUE has the necessary capacity to carry out educational activities of guaranteed quality. In this context, I would like to mention that we grant a qualification that allows graduates to continue their education in any higher education institution in the Republic of Armenia or to pursue the desired professional activity. Moreover, being a member of the Bologna Process, in terms of student mobility and further educational opportunities, it is crucial that the qualification is granted by an accredited University. It is a necessary precondition for continuing education at the European Higher Education Area (EHEA)”.

According to the information submitted by the Foundation, the Accreditation Committee discussed the reports of the experts on the institutional capacities of the institution, considered the positive-negative assessed domains, the strengths and weaknesses pointed out by the experts, the possible risks. How realistic the programs for the improvement of institutions are also discussed.

Let’s recall, ASUE was accredited for the first time in 2015.

ASUE Marketing and Public Relations Division