International Training Week: one day's saturated agenda

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The International Training Week held with 11 lecturers and members of administrative staff from 8 European universities goes on at our University.
Today, the working agenda began with a visit to library, reading halls (digital library), computer laboratories, gym, as well as Amberd Research Center. Tatevik Hovhannisyan, the leading specialist of the Foreign Relations Division, informed that the library director Armine Hovhannisyan and Mariam Mnatsakanyan presented the history of the library, resources, electronic library and digitization process. The guests were especially impressed by the paper card-file which kept good memories of library work. By the initiative of Aghavni Hakobyan, the head of the Educational Division and Samvel Hovhannisyan, director of the Center of Information Technology, student cards were prepared for all the participants so that they could practically get acquainted with the computer exams of our university. So the guests had a computer exam with 10 questions about Armenia. Later was a discussion on the exams.
The guests got acquainted with the ASUE gym’s developed conditions and the achievements of our student-athletes.
Senior Researcher at Amberd Research Center Gayane Tovmasyan presented the history of the center, the field of activity, the directions of the researches and the cooperation with the RA NA Standing Committee on Economic Affairs. The guests enjoyed the panoramic view of Yerevan from the window of the center.
Tatevik Hovhannisyan informed us that the guests were given informational brochures for getting acquainted with the activity of the departments of the University to organize meetings parallel to the set agenda.
At the same time ASUE administrative staff participated in the training at the Center for International Programs. Peter Manikovsky from the Poznan School of Economics and Business had a lecture for the students of the Finance Department and the head of the Chair of Banking and Insurance Anna Aslanyan was also present at the lecture.
There were lectures at different departments of the University: Dorota Mozhirska (Bialystok University of Technology) at the Department of Computer Science and Statistics; Marian Kovach (Bratislava University of Economics and Public Administration) at the Management Department; Pyotr Kopitsinsky (Krakow University of Economics) at the Center for International Programs; Emanuel Marakodakis (Aegeyan University, Greece) at the Department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations.
Let’s remind that on April 17, by the initiative of ASUE Foreign Relations Division, the international training week has started with the participation of 11 lecturers and members of administrative staff from 8 European universities. ASUE Rector, Professor Koryun Atoyan, Coordinator of the "Erasmus +" program’s National Office Lana Karlova and Edith Soghomonyan, the Project Officer of the same office participated in the event.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division