Scientific-Educational Laboratories present the 2nd issue of the electronic periodicals

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ASUE Scientific-Educational Laboratories presented the 2nd issue of the electronic periodicals which you can find on the Scientific-Educational Laboratories page of the official website of ASUE.
The second issue of the ''Monetary policy and economic growth'' SEL is dedicated to the comparative analysis of the monetary policies of EAEU member countries for 2017 and the behavioral estimates of the used instruments.Head of the SEL Ashot Matevosyan, Doctor of Economics, Professor informed that they aimed to present brief information based on statistical data of EAEU member countries’ Central Banks and official websites. New issue of electronic periodical is available here.
The second issue of the “Financial Inclusion” SEL is dedicated to the statistics of the financial involvement and main components. According to Sergey Sukiasyan, Head of the SEL, Doctor of Economics, Associate Professor, interest rates on involvement and distribution in the financial market of Armenia decreased in 2017, loans and deposits increased, the range of clients receiving financial services expanded. New issue of electronic periodical is available here.
Head of the “Innovative and Institutional Researches” SEL Atom Margaryan mentioned that the second issue of the periodical refer to innovative convergence of the economy of Armenia, assessment of the effects of diversification of the economy on high technology production as well as innovative factors on economic growth of Armenia. New issue of electronic periodical is available here.

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