Interuniversity Partnership: ASUE Lecturer Visited Cracow University of Economics

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On May 20-24, Yevgenya Bazinyan, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Economic Computer Science and Information Systems, PhD in Economics, lectured on “Time Series Analysis and Forecasting”, “Machine Learning” at the Faculty of Statistics and Informatics of Cracow (Poland) University of Economics, in international groups. The visit was conducted within the frames of “Erasmus +” program and aimed at strengthening and continuing interuniversity partnership. Our lecturer noted that Andrey Sokolovsky, Director of Institute of Statistics, invited her to participate in conference to be held at Cracow University of Economics soon. She has also discussed cooperation issues with collaborators of International Relations Division.

"During every outgoing visit, I am convinced that no matter how important it is to communicate with a new one, it is also important to re-evaluate our educational culture, cause, we have much to convey in terms of both educational-organizational process and other components of higher education. I would like to emphasize that the students of the international group approved the method of teaching, that is, the combination of theoretical and practical parts during one lecture”; Yevgenya bazinyan stated.

Our colleague mentioned that she also met ASUE Master’s degree student Zhasmin Shahbazyan studying at Cracow University of Economics within the frames of “Erasmus +” program.

The lecturer expressed gratitude to collaborators of International Relations Division of ASUE International Relations Department for proper coordination of “Erasmus +” program at ASUE, providing necessary consultation.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division