I’ll try to Justify All Expectations: Karen Sargsyan

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By the order of Yerevan Mayor Hayk Marutyan, Karen Sargsyan has been appointed acting Head of the General Education Department of the Yerevan Municipality Staff.

Karen Sargsyan is the co-founder of ASUE Change Lab, professor at the Chair of Management, ASUE Gyumri Branch and asue.am has talked to him.

- Mr. Sargsyan, congratulations on assuming a new and responsible position. What is your vision for approving the field, what to expect in the near future, please present some key directions.

- Thank you for the congratulations, I think there will still be opportunities to voice real congratulations under real success. My vision is to improve the quality of educational and training services provided to children and students. In order to achieve this, we will choose 3 main directions: updating knowledge, improving skills, improving management systems.

- What innovations are planned?

- I will try to introduce social management models that will make the process of problem solving, proposing solutions, choosing effective options inclusive and to use IT opportunities.

- You also hold short-term courses, will you combine your new work with the activity in the field of non-formal education?

- Yes, of course, I will continue, as the law allows to be engaged in educational, scientific, creative activity.

-You are welcome, if you have something else to note.

- I will try to justify all expectations.

- Thank you. We wish you success and significant achievements in your new activity.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division