Trainings of the 3rd Year Part-time Master’s Degree Start: the Schedules - Online

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Trainings of the 3rd year part-time Master’s degree will start on September 22. The schedules submitted by the Division of Organization of Education Process are available at the official website.

Let’s remind, trainings of the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th year of part-time Bachelor’s degree and the 1st, 2nd years of part-time Master’s degree will start on November 2 by hybrid mode.

Good luck to the 3rd year part-time Master’s degree for the final semester of the study.

Let’s recall, the education process of the first half of the 2020-2021 academic year will be organized with 3 shift schedules at Armenian State University of Economics, the duration of the trainings will be 70 minutes, the process will be organized by a hybrid mode. See the announcement.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division