We are connecting employers and job seekers: job fair at ASUE

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ASUE courtyard was extremely lively today. The University of Economics, together with the Integrated Social Service of the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, has organized the Job Fair, thus becoming the platform for job seekers and employers.

From 11:00, ASUE has widely opened its doors not only for 80 leading employers representing public and private sector, but also for ASUE students, graduates and all job seekers. High-ranking officials and representatives of the business world were accompanied by the university leadership and Rector Diana Galoyan who later welcomed the organizers and participants of the fair, that have become active participants of the event.

Previous years prove that Labor fairs organized at ASUE definitely serve their primary goal: this is not just the reason to meet, but lead to the cooperation between professional specialists and the labor market, thus becoming an incentive for career advancement and professional growth.

It is definite that the coming hours of the Labor Fair will be practical and productive for all participants as well, and the workshop on "Development prospects of ASUE - labor market cooperation" to be held at 14:00 will underline the problems of the sector and suggest its possible solutions.