Job fair to shorten the route ‘university - labor market’

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The job fair was well organized and ASUE courtyard was full of people and organizations: more than 80 leading employers of governmental agencies, from various sectors of the economy, including ministries, banks, insurance companies, educational, accounting and audit organizations, information technology, telecommunications and other sectors of the economy were present at the fair. Ruben Sargsyan, Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, representatives of state departments, and guests were present at the event. Accompanied by ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, the guests took a tour around the booths, communicated with the employers and participants of the fair.

"Reinforcement of university-labor market connection in any format is essential. We carry out this process in different formats. We have signed more than 200 Memoranda of Cooperation with partner employers, and it enables us to organize the internship and externship of our students in these companies, meanwhile, to help our partners in the hiring process and contribute to the integration of students into the labor market," ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan told the reporters during the interview.

Photo series can be found on ASUE Facebook page.

For more detailed information, please read the Armenian version.