“Lecture Cup” Inter-University Games Kick off with Shooting Championship: ASUE Won a Prize in the Individual Struggle

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From January 29 to February 15, lecturing teams of over a dozen Armenian Universities will compete in 6 championships. The annual inter-university games organized by ASUE and Armenian Student Sports Federation started.

Today, the shooting championship took place in YSU shooting range with participation of 10 Universities. Teams of 10 HEIs - ASUE, YSU, ASPU, NPUA, YSMU, YSULS, etc. participated in the event. Hovhannes Gabrielyan, Acting Head of the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense at ASUE, welcomed the attendees, noting that ASUE, in cooperation with Armenian Student Sports Federation, organizes the “Lecture Cup” for the 5th time and wished fair competition to the Universities.

Here are the prizes:

  1. YSU
  2. NPUA
  3. ASPU
  4. ASUE

Nane Avanesyan, collaborator of ASUE Media and Public Relations Division, won the 3rd prize in an individual struggle.

The sport event is dedicated to the 90th anniversary of foundation of the 1st school of economics in Armenia and the 45th anniversary of ASUE.

The prize awarding ceremony will be held on February 15.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division