Lecture on Gender Equality: The Speaker was Lawyer and UN Expert Ekaterina Ilikchiieva

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Today, Ekaterina Ilikchiieva, professor at Kyiv National Economic University (ASUE partner University), Ph.D. in Law, Lawyer and UN Expert, was hosted at our University.

She spoke on "Gender Equality Policy in Ukraine", touched upon the comparison of women's and men's rights both in Ukraine and in the world, the efforts to achieve equality between the two sexes, the international norms and documents enshrining their rights.

Ekaterina Ilikchiieva observed a number of cases in work, family, political and public life, where male-female relations and rights collide, then presented the principles of their legal settlement. It was also remarkable to refer to the stereotypes accepted in the society.

The lecture was summed up with an active question and answer session, both students and lecturers asked questions.

Vardan Atoyan, Head of the Chair of Social Sciences, Associate Professors Garnik Sukiasyan and Nazeli Sukiasyan, Anzhelika Musayelyan, Head of International Relations Division, attended the lecture.

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