Professors of the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau Visited ASUE Within the Frames of Erasmus +

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On February 7-11, the representatives of the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau (Germany): Professor Christian-Andreas Schumann, Professor Christian Brauweiler and Stefan Noak, visited ASUE within the frames of the EU Erasmus + program. ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan hosted them, the meeting was attended by Lusine Danielyan, Director of External Relations Department, Sos Khachikyan, Dean of the Faculty of Computer Science and Statistics, Anzhelika Musayelyan, Head of International Relations Division. Diana Galoyan mentioned that ASUE effectively cooperated with the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau within the frames of various international programs, it’s pleasant to host the representatives of the partner University at the University of Economics. The Rector presented ASUE activity, educational and international programs and, in this context, highlighted the establishment of the Master’s degree program in Management and Informatics within the frames of the Internationalisation through Advanced Digital Education in Asia and the Caucasus - (IDEA) program implemented with the above-mentioned University. "The number of ASUE students is growing year by year, we believe that the educational program implemented with the German University will be very interesting for our students, will be a good opportunity for education and internship"; Diana Galoyan stated.

The guests also thanked for the reception, noting that ASUE is one of their important strategic partners, and considered the prepared educational program a serious achievement.

The German guests also got acquainted with the research capabilities of the University, discussed the prospects of cooperation in the field of science, they expressed readiness to deepen the cooperation, touched upon the opportunities and perspectives of educational and international programs of mutual interest. The guests also emphasized that they were impressed with the University of Economics, with the electronic availability of the library fund.

Christian Brauweiler, Stefan Noak and Christian-Andreas Schumann lectured at ASUE Faculties of Marketing and Business Organization, Management, Finance, Computer Science and Statistics.

The current work and further activities of the joint Master's degree program were discussed with the representatives of the University of Applied Sciences Zwickau.