Marek Dabrowski, Associate Professor of Cracow University of Economics, Was at ASUE (photos)

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On October 4-8, Marek Dabrowski, Associate Professor of Cracow University of Economics, visited our University within the framework of the EU "Erasmus +" program. The four-day visit of the Professor was full of useful and meaningful meetings.

Thus, he lectured on “Macroeconomic Modeling of Small Open Economy: Exchange Rate Discrepancies” for Bachelor’s degree students of Faculty of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Rеlations, then he met with the colleagues of ASUE AMBERD research center, discussed the possibilities of cooperation between the two academic institutions: implementation of joint research programs, organization of events. Marek Dabrowski also took part in the meeting-discussions with the representatives of ASUE academic staff, during which economic, in particular, macroeconomic issues were raised, comparisons of the economic realities of Armenia and Poland were made. The Polish colleague also participated in the Job Fair held at our University on October 8 and introduced the students to the opportunities to study at Cracow University of Economics within the frames of the "Erasmus +" program.

At the end of the visit Marek Dabrowski was awarded a certificate of participation by ASUE.