A Meeting-discussion on the Regulations of the RA Labor Code at ASUE

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On October 8, the joint meeting-discussion organized by the Armenian State University of Economics, the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs, the USAID and the International Republican Institute (IRI) was hosted at ASUE Conference Hall aimed at discussing the issues of the RA labor and employment policy, the amendments and regulations of the RA Labor Code with the stakeholder groups. The expected and important event brought together the representatives of our University academic staff members, students, as well as employees of other public and private institutions. ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan, Director of the Armenian Office of the International Republican Institute (IRI) James De Witt, RA Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs Ruben Sargsyan, RA NA Deputy, Associate Professor at ASUE Chair of International Economic Relations Tadevos Avetisyan, Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs Armen Grigoryan, Director of AMBERD Research Center Davit Hakhverdyan attended the meeting. In total, about 140 people participated in it.

The speaker was the Head of the Department of Labor and Employment of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs of the Republic of Armenia, Associate Professor at ASUE Chair of International Economic Relations, Ph.D. in Economics Zhora Sargsyan.

Welcoming the officials and all the participants of the event, Diana Galoyan considered it a great honor for us to organize a discussion on the RA Labor Code at our University, within the frames of which the participants, as an employer and employee, will be able to get clarifications and answers to their questions. "We will submit certain proposals to both the RA National Assembly and the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs later, and now I hope we’ll have a practical and academic discussion".

In his speech, James De Witt highly assessed the cooperation that was formed between the RA Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs and ASUE. In particular, he noted that the youth, who are the pioneers of changes, are the driving force of a competitive, inclusive society, so it is necessary to create appropriate conditions for the development of their capacities. "Education is the basis for strengthening the potential of the youth, encouraging the latter's self-expression, it is not accidental that this meeting-discussion was hosted at ASUE". James De Witt highlighted the consistent policy of the Government of the Republic of Armenia in encouraging the youth.

Before starting his speech on "Labor and Employment Policy", the main speaker Zhora Sargsyan said; "The Government of the Republic of Armenia has initiated a number of changes, one of the biggest of which is to make amendments to the Labor Code. Today's meeting also aimed at getting feedback, that is, opinions and suggestions".

Presenting the purpose of his speech and the key emphases, Zhora Sargsyan touched upon the current regulations of the RA Labor Code, which need a comprehensive explanation of the stakeholders - the employer and the employee. In particular, he touched upon the formation of employment relationship, the settlement of disputes over the termination of employment, working hours, salary calculation, labor discipline, clarified the internal and individual legal acts of the employer, the grounds for employment, the content of the employment contract, work schedule, financial promotion. For working students, Zhora Sargsyan also commented on the issues of internship, its terms, student vacation and many other articles, such as paternity pension, part-time work, etc.

Rector Diana Galoyan, Vice-Rector Armen Grigoryan, Associate Professors Atom Margaryan, Ruben Ghantarchyan asked questions to the speaker.

Associate Professor Tadevos Avetisyan presented his observations on the issues raised, evaluating the effectiveness of the discussion, in his turn, making a number of clarifications. Referring to the Job Fair organized at the University on the same day, he noted that he had witnessed how several people received job offers on the spot. Tadevos Avetisyan highlighted the issue of the operational efficiency of career centers in holding job fairs and suggested the idea of online job fairs.

The meeting-discussion was full and effective, serving the purpose that was initially emphasized by the organizers and participants.