RF Professor Held Master Class at ASUE

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Yesterday, master class on “The Investment Analyst's Specialty: Job Characteristic and Career Opportunities” was conducted by Alexander Kudrin within the frames of “Days of Higher School of Economics in the RA” events (National Research Institute, the RF, https://www.hse.ru/).
First Ruben Hayrapetyan, acting ASUE Rector hosted the delegation of the School. Foreign Relations Division informs that the sides discussed a few key issues for deepening cooperation between universities and clear arrangements were reached.
Particularly, issues related to the participation of ASUE representatives in the conference organized by the Higher School of Economics in April, as well as initiating a joint scientific conference, organizing summer school, conducting two-week internship for ASUE students in the Higher School of Economics and the launch of preparatory work to develop a joint educational program were discussed.
Then master class was conducted at the University conference hall, attended by representatives of ASUE academic staff, collaborators and students, including from other Universities. First, Vard Ghukasyan, the organizer of the event, Head of Foreign Relations Division, introduced the guest and welcomed the attendees, then gave the floor to Alexander Deev, Director of International Admission of the School. The latter spoke about "Higher School of Economics", noting that it is multi-functional, besides economics, carries out teaching in other specialties (chemistry, languages, etc.). He also spoke about foreign students' education issues.
Alexander Kudrin emphasized that the newest technologies come to replace a number of specialists, but the analyst's specialty is still required, and perhaps the most up-to-date technologies (robots) can’t assume that role.
The speaker highlighted the ability to carry out research, analyze, develop critical thinking, skill to present the work done, highlighted several key techniques in the analyst's work.
The meeting was full of questions and answers, the attendees expressed their views.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division