Presenting Research Report at AMBERD Center

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As a result of the grant research competition announced by ASUE AMBERD center in 2018, one of the two groups conducts research entitled “Impact of Community Economic Development and Decentralization on Macroeconomic Stability in the Republic of Armenia”.
Today, the group presented the current activity, as well as plans and goals. Tsovinar Karapetyan, Associate Professor of the Chair of Macroeconomics, PhD in Economics, is the supervisor of the research group. Members are Arpine Muradyan, Associate Professor of the same Chair, PhD in Economics, Vanine Yeranosyan, Assistant Professor of the Chair of Finance, PhD in Economics, Seda Alikhanyan, Nare Abrahamyan, Armine Sahakyan, Liana Khachatryan, the 1st year Master’s degree students of macroeconomic analysis specialty, Erik Grigoryan, the 1st year Master’s degree student of corporate finance specialty. The presentation was attended by collaborators of AMBERD, researchers.
The reporters spoke about the budget disparities in RA communities, the financial decentralization processes in the enlarged communities, analyzed the outcomes of the conducted surveys to clarify the residents' awareness of community development issues.
The final outcomes of the research will be publicized in June.
P.S. Another research group has recently presented the report. Here is the previous publication.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division