Educational visit to the Ministry of Economy within the framework of "Jean Monnet Network".

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On March 27, students from the State University of Economics of Armenia had the opportunity to attend a lecture on the "Prospects of economic development of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU)" at the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Armenia. The lecture was conducted by Dr. Emma Movsisyan, who is the Head of the Trade and Integration Department of the EAEU and a lecturer of the Chair of Microeconomics of ASUE. The lecture was organized by Dr. Albert Hayrapetyan, a lecturer at the Chair of International Economic Relations, as part of the "The EU and the EEU: Between Conflict and Competition, Convergence and Cooperation" (EUCON) project under the Jean-Monnet Network.

During the lecture, Dr. Movsisyan presented the essence and organizational features of the EAEU, as well as the indicators of mutual trade turnover among its member states and the factors that determine the progress thereof. She emphasized the importance of the privileges granted to Armenia within the EAEU, highlighting their contribution to the country's economic development and investment attractiveness. She also touched upon the agreements signed between the EAEU and third countries such as Iran, Singapore, Serbia, and Vietnam. At the end of the lecture Dr. Movsisyan expressed her willingness to offer further professional assistance to students who are interested in the topic, including providing useful literature.

During the interview with the Marketing and Public Relations Division of ASUE Dr. Hayrapetyan emphasized that the lecture piqued great interest among the students and they requested more educational visits of this kind the future.