"My belief in the youth is unconditional" Narine Khalatyan

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Narine Khalatyan, the Head of ASUE Chair of Environmental Economics, began her scientific and pedagogical activity at the University of Economics in 1995: she taught, then defended dissertation, received the title of an associate professor. The desire to become a good lecturer and a good scientist accompanied her all the time.

In 2022 Narine Khalatyan was employed as Head of the Chair of Environmental Economics, which has become a new and responsible direction of activity for a scientist with outstanding managerial skills. Associate professors, PhDs work in the chair, and most of them concurrently hold positions in the state administration system.

The scientist has a wide range of interests: theory of economics and crises, history of economic thought, transitional, global and institutional economics, etc. She tries to invest her maximum capacity in each field and have her say in the field.

Narine Khalatyan is convinced that if a lecturer separates the concepts of science, education, pedagogy in her activity, it means that her work is not complete.

Narine Khalatyan is extremely sensitive to the problems, as well as spiritual and moral requirements of modern Armenian women. Being the mother of three wonderful daughters, she underlines the role of an educated, goal-oriented and successful woman in the society, and at the same time, to keep traditional family values, the issues of children's education and upbringing, and she works to serve as an example for all those around her.