New Collaboration for Marketing Students

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ASUE graduates return to their native University with their experience and knowledge, already as a partner. ASUE gives a new quality and content to the relations with the employers, establishing a partnership with ASUE graduates, who are the heads and representatives of the existing companies.

Today, another cooperation was fixed, which is addressed to the students of marketing profession, it provides training courses, internship, job opportunity. Rector of the Armenian State University of Economics Diana Galoyan signed memorandums of cooperation with the director of "Targeting" company Gor Karapetyan and the director of "Simple Solutions" company Emil Kroyan. Lusine Danielyan, Director of ASUE External Relations Department, Tatev Vardanyan, Head of Labor Market and Alumni Affairs Division, Vadim Grigoryan, Head of the Chair of Marketing attended at the meeting.

ASUE Rector Diana Galoyan thanked for the cooperation, expressed hope that it will be effective for the students of marketing profession, contributing to the improvement of the quality of education, as well as the employment of students. The Rector emphasized that the University of Economics pays great attention to the cooperation with the graduates, ensuring that in parallel with the academic education, the specialists of the practical field exchange knowledge and skills. "We consider our graduates to be representatives of the University of Economics, so we are ready to enable them to come up with various programs and initiatives at their native University"; noted Diana Galoyan, expressing hope that marketing students will soon witness the results of this cooperation.

Emil Kroyan and Gor Karapetyan thanked for the opportunity to cooperate with native university and mentioned that they are ready to contribute to the development of non-formal education at the University.

Vadim Grigoryan, Head of the Chair of Marketing, stressed that the Chair has good experience of working with specialists in the practical field, which is facilitated by the fact that marketing is an applied profession.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division