UMEF new project for postgraduate students

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Head of the Science and Postgraduate Division Khoren Mkhitaryan at the today’s meeting announced that the cooperation between ASUE and UMEF offered a new opportunity for our PhD students. Particularly, the Chairman of the UMEF Board of Trustees offers a project that will give an opportunity to ASUE 5 PhD students and applicants to spend 2 months of the current semester in the University of Geneva to a) carry out research work in accordance with his field of study, b) prepare co-authored articles with european partners and c) pass scientific-pedagogical experience. Hostel will be provided by the inviting university, traveling by the PhD students. The head of the Science and Postgraduate division noted that a group of at least 3 people should be formed, and the applicants should pass mid-level test of English. For more information apply to Science and Postgraduate division.

Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector of Science and International relations, at the meeting had a practical talk with PhD students. The Vice-Rector advised, directed and encouraged PhD students to engage in international cooperation programs, noting that mobility, partnership ties helped succeed not only in the academic field, but also in business. He drew the attention of PhD students to the ASUE 28th conference “Vision of Future Economy: Problems and Perspectives”, which would be held on November 26-30, reminding that deadline for submitting articles is October 1.

Let’s remind that it is dedicated to the 100th anniversary of Independence of the First Republic of Armenia and May battles.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division