Bridge to international education market: opportunities to study abroad

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The interest of ASUE students in terms of revealing new horizons of education is great and today the opportunities of studying at European universities for one semester were presented at the center of international programs. ASUE Foreign Relations Division initiated an informational meeting and presented “Erasmus +” program. Head of the division Vard Ghukasyan underlined that since 2014 ASUE was a member of Erasmus + and integrated into the international educational market. The information on application procedure, the program funding issues, ASUE partner Universities and more information was presented at the meeting.
Erasmus + graduates were present at the meeting. The told about their achievements, impressions and gave helpful tips to future participants of the program. Leading specialist of the Foreign Relations Division Lilit Mkrtchyan, who have studied at Hasselt University of Belgium within the frames of the program, told students the peculiarities of studying abroad and answered the questions.
Vard Ghukasyan informed that informational meeting will be held at ASUE Yeghegnadzor branch.
Students interested in the program who do not have a document certifying English language proficiency can take an English exam organized at the university.
More about the Erasmus + program is available in the "International Programs" section on ASUE official website. If you have any questions, please contact Foreign Relations Division (+374 10) 593-484, e-mail:

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division