Rector Koryun Atoyan hosted the representatives of the Student Council - winners of "Haykyan" Award

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"Yesterday, a sense of pride overwhelmed me when the name of our University was announced", said Rector Koryun Atoyan hosting the winners (representatives of the student council) of "Haykyan" award.

Recall that yesterday the National Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Alexander Spendiaryan hosted the "Haykyan 2015" award, which was attended by President Serzh Sargsyan. Student Council of Armenian State University of Economics has once again been recognized the winner in the category "Best Student self-governing authority", together with the Student Council of Armenian State Pedagogical University.

Find the list of winners at the following link:

            Chairman of the Student Council Sergey Kharatyan expressed gratitude to the administration of the University and personally to Koryun Atoyan, stressing: "Your contribution to our victory was huge. On behalf of our students I want to thank you for your support. We were once again convinced that you support us in all initiatives. This obliges us to raise the prestige of our university".

"Your mission is to represent the interests of all the students of university," – said the Rector noting that it is important to join the efforts of the students and university management to improve the quality of education and the environment.

 In an interview with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division SC chairman Sergey Kharatyan, noted that now the 5th consecutive year, the Student Council gets the prize "Haykyan".  he said. "This award obliges us to work harder. Key areas of our activity are to protect the interests of students, to implement scientific, teaching-cognitive, military-patriotic, social events, organization of leisure of students".

According to the chairman of the student council exciting events are expected in the near future.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.