Military-patriotic open lesson: an event in Yeghegnadzor branch

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According to ASUE Yeghegnadzor branch yesterday an event was organized in the branch. Director Sos Khachikyan, Chairman of the Student Council Hayk Harutyunyan were present at the meeting.

The commander of the 4th Army Corps of RA Armed Forces, General Major Andranik Makaryan visited the University and held a lesson for students. The event was initiated by the Student Council of the branch.

General Major introduced the students to the problem of education systems that play an important role in terms of improving the combat capability of the army and strengthening army-society ties. The commander answered all the students' questions. At the end of the meeting on behalf of students, Sos Khachikyan handed a letter of gratitude to General Major.

Photos provided by ASUE Yeghegnadzor branch.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.