303 part time students will graduate: the process of awarding diplomas started at ASUE (photos)

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Part-time master students of ASUE are getting diplomas these days. Today 2 group of atuents from the Department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations were getting  diplomas. ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan, Vice Rector on Education-Organizational Matters   Mihrdat  Harutyunyan, adviser Grigor Kirakosyan, Dean Atom Margaryan and the head of the chair of IER Grigor Nazaryan were present at the ceremony. Foreign trade policy and International monetary relations specialization gave their first graduates, respectively, 12 and 11 students. 2 graduates were awarded with the Certificate of Excellence (red diploma).

ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan, Dean Atom Margaryan and the head of the chair of IER Grigor Nazaryan congretulated the students and wished them all the best.

Then Koryun Atoyan awarded diplomas, congratulating the graduates.

            Congratulations to you dear students, we hope that your education will contribute to your well-being and progress.