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Smiles Under Masks: Graduates of ASUE College of Finance and Economics were Awarded Diplomas

Social distance, masks and gloves, strict observance of safety rules. This is how the graduates of ASUE College of Finance and Economics for the 2019-2020 academic year will remember their "Last Bell". The newly graduated students of the college received diplomas on June 5 in the yard of the school, without the...

A Group of Students of ASUE and UMEF Joint Master’s Degree Program were Awarded Diplomas in Geneva

Part of the first graduates of Swiss and ASUE joint Master’s degree program were awarded diplomas in Geneva. On June 29-30, 6 of our graduates have participated in the solemn ceremony of awarding diplomas with the UMEF Geneva Campus graduates. Khoren Mkhitaryan, Head of Division of Organization of Scientific-research...

“ASUE Graduate – 2018” graduation ceremony

“ASUE Graduate – 2018” graduation ceremony was held today in the ASUE picturesque yard. Festive atmosphere was at the university with warm words, sincere congratulations. The opening ceremony was solemnly opened by ASUE Board Chairman Vache Gabrielyan. Congratulating the graduates, their parents, the university...

Graduate Diplomas of Part-time Masters’ are Handed

ASUE Part-Time Master's programs’ graduates of the 2017 academic year get their diplomas. Today we met a group of enthusiastic graduates in the ASUE graduation clothes in the yard of the university and have shooted beautiful moments. Let’s remind that graduates can get their diplomas from educational division...

Ceremony of Awarding Diplomas at ASUE Yeghegnadzor Branch

ASUE Yeghegnadzor  Branch  has awarded  graduation diplomas of Bachelor’s  and  Master’s Degree  students  of  the 2016-2017 academic year. The  solemn ceremony  was  attended  by Mihrdat Harutyunyan, Vice Rector  of Educational Matters and Grigor Nazaryan,  Dean of Department of  Regulation of Economy  and International...

Graduate Diplomas of Part-time Master are Handed: Good Luck

Today, graduates of part-time  Master  of  “Banking” specialty got their graduate diplomas. Head of the Chair of Banking and Insurance Anna Aslanyan congratulated the graduates  and wished  them all the  best. ASUE Media and Public Relations Division also  congratulated the graduates, talked  to them and took...

303 part time students will graduate: the process of awarding diplomas started at ASUE (photos)

Part-time master students of ASUE are getting diplomas these days. Today 2 group of atuents from the Department of Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations were getting  diplomas. ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan, Vice Rector on Education-Organizational Matters   Mihrdat  Harutyunyan, adviser Grigor...

52 out of 101 graduate students got diplomas of honor

A group of honor graduate students of the Regulation of Economy and International Economic Relations department were getting their diplomas today. During this symbolic moment Dean Atom Margaryan accompanied the students, and urged to continue postgraduate studies. Ani Hunanyan, Araks Karapetyan, Tigran Elbakyan,...

Diplomas will be handed out starting from tomorrow

University alumni of 2014-2015 academic year can get the diplomas from July 9 to 17, inclusive from the Educational-Organizational Division (Main Building, Room 323, from 9:00am until 17:30pm).   Information is provided by the head of the Educational-Organizational Division Armen Karakhanyan. Issuing diplomas...


Students  of  full-time  Bachelor’s  Degree, 2013-2014 academic  year, got  the  graduate  certificate (diploma)today. Deans  of  the  Departments, Vice-Deans, Heads  of the  Chairs, lecturers  welcomed them. ASUE  Media  and Public...