Our university is participating in another international program: initial meeting took place at ASUE

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In the center of the international programs today, the initial meeting with the representatives of "HERITAG" program (Higher Education interdisciplinary Reform in Tourism management and Applied Geoinformation curricula) took place. ASUE rector Professor Koryun Atoyan, Vice Rector on Education-Methodological Matters Paruyr  Kalantaryan, quality assurance division employees, representatives of the Armenian National University of architecture and construction, Spain, Georgia, Greece, etc. were present at the meeting.

In his welcoming speech, Rector of ASUE Koryun Atoyan noted that ASUE highly appreciated the program and would lend its support. "ASUE and other Armenian universities appreciate the integration to educational programs, to European universities as part of any program." According to Koryun Atoyan, in terms of improving the educational quality new programs are very important.

Recall that the purpose of "HERITAG" program is develop a system of Higher Education interdisciplinary reforms in Tourism management and Applied Geoinformation.

 As an Economic University, ASUE staff will take part in retraining courses and seminars.

 ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.