Research outcomes, practical suggestions

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 "The impact of SME development on poverty reduction in RA marzes" research group members made their reports today. The seminar was attended by the director of "Amberd” Research Center Samvel Avetisyan, ASUE scientific staff, researchers and students. The supervisor of the research group is Professor Michael Melkumyan, the members are Professor Anahit Melkumyan, associate professor Frida Baharyan, Susanna Vardanyan, assistant professor Arthur Arakelyan, post graduate students Vardan Marutyuan and Sergey Elaryan. Sergey Elaryan made a summarizing  report and highlighted conclusions and recommendations arising therefrom.

Summarizing the seminar Mikael Melkumyan analyzed the regional economic developments and the economic challenges that RA economy faces and suggested the ways of confrontation.  The audience was drawn into the debate.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.