Quality assurance of vocational education: Conference in the frames of "Mahatma" program

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Within the framework of the Tempus program "MAHATMA" a four-day conference kicked off on January 19, 2016. Meetings were held in the ASPU, which is the coordinator-university of the program. The representatives of Armenian universities, partner organizations and foreign partner universities were present at the meeting. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the action plan of the program "MAHATMA" in 2016, setting a schedule of meetings, events and activities, and to discuss a number of issues for the establishment of the association and the management of the program.

QA Division employee Maria Petrosyan, Associate Professor of Management  Chair Ruben Hayrapetyan represented ASUE at the first meeting (January 19-20). The conference was attended by M. Petrosyan and Associate Professor of Law and Political Science Chair Gegetsik Grigoryan. She presented a report on the theme: "On some issues of teaching the subject law".

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.