"In Hayjohbank": resolution of masters students of "Banking" specialization

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Today second year Master's students of "Banking" specialization together with the assistant professor of banking and insurance chair Ruzanna Sahakyan presented an original event: "A day in the life of the bank."

The event was attended by Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan ASEU, Dean of the Departement Vahe Mikaelyan, head of the chair of banking and insurance ASUE staff, visitors and students.

Graduate students presented a resolution on possible situations in the bank service sector: different people were visiting "Hayjohbank": taxi driver, scientists, teachers, wealthy women, ect.

Employee of the sphere of education patiently listened to all requirements and provided corresponding information, assessing the creditworthiness of customers.

At the end of the event Vice-Rector Gagik Vardanyan made a speech, noting that the event was quite impressionable students performed their role well.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.