"State regulation of the economy" manual was presented at ASUE

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Today "State regulation of the economy" manual of Macroeconomics chair was presented at ASUE.  ASUE Rector Professor Koryun Atoyan, Vice-Rector of Science and International Relations Gagik  Vardanyan, Vice Rector on Education-Methodological  Matters  Paruyr  Kalantaryan Head of Macroeconomics chair Ishkhan Tigrnanyan, heads of departments, deans, Professor Ashot Markosyan, students were present at the event. Special guest of the event was an ex-employee of the Chair of Macroeconomics, businessman, Sos Sahakyan who sponsored the publication of the manual.

The manual is intended for students of economic specialties and was published under the general editorship and supervision of Professor Ishkhan Tigranyan.

Ishkhan Tigranyan opened the event: "The chair of Macroeconomics has always cared about publishing manuals in Armenian for our specialties. How was this manual born? The former rector of ASUE, Academician Yuri Suvaryan organized a discussion of all training programs. During this, he made some remarks and ordered to rebuild the program. We presented a new program, which was approved and we immediately undertook the works of writing a manual", - said Ishkhan Tigranyan. Then the head of the chair presented the structure of the manual.

Professor Ashot Markosyan delivered a speech and stressed the importance of the publication. The dean of the Faculty of Marketing Tatul Mkrtchyan, lecturer of macroeconomics chair Tsovinar Karapetyan, authors of the manual also took the floor.

Sos Sahakyan congratulated the staff of the chair over this economic publications and said that it was an honor for him to sponsor the manual.

 Rector Koryun Atoyan summarized the presentation, stressing that today's event is a significant event for university life.

Joining to all congratulations, we wish new publications to the authors!



ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.