Foreign students paid tribute to Armenian Genocide victims

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According to ASUE Foreign Relations Division, foreign students of ASUE visited the memorial to the Armenian Genocide victims, laid flowers at the Eternal Fire, and honored the memory of innocent victims. The event took place on November 6 at the initiative of ASUE Foreign Relations Division. 

The students also visited the Museum-Institute of Armenian Genocide, where they were acquainted with the exposition presenting the history of the Armenian Genocide.

On behalf of the foreign students, a citizen of India Prashanth Umapathy left a note in the book of memory, which in particular states: "The trip to the Genocide museum was indelible. The history and the path to freedom was depicted in the most bewildering way possible, (being an Indian myself can connect to the patriotism). It is a shame that the events are not recognized throughout the world, word has to spread recognizing this beautiful country for what it is and for those who have sacrificed a lot for the nation”.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.