Admission Image, Outcomes of Research Activity: Regular Session of ASUE Scientific Board was Held

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Today’s session of ASUE Scientific Board was started by Paruir Klantaryan’s report on outcomes  of admission process for the 2017-2018 academic year. The  Vice Rector stated  that the Admission Committee has worked from May 5 to November 5, the process was organized properly, and there was no complaint from any applicant or parent. Here are the admission image: full-time  Bachelor’s degree – 858 applicants, part-time Bachelor’s degree – 188 ones, full-time Master’s degree – 420, part-time Master’s degree 247 applicants. The Scientific Council evaluated the work of the Admission Committee satisfactory.

Paruir Kalantaryan also reported  on "Making Changes in the Staff Members of the ASUE SNCO Collegiate Governing Body (Board)", presenting the  members  of the  new staff, which was  also approved.

Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector of Science  and International Relations, reported on scientific-research outcomes  in 2017 and upcoming issues in 2018, stating that during the reporting period the scientific-research activity of the University has been conducted  and carried out in accordance with the “Concept of ASUE Scientific-research  and Development of Innovative Activity in 2012-2017”.  The Vice Rector presented the establishment and development of scientific-research infrastructure at the University, funding for science, the volume and thematic directions of scientific publications, scientific-research activities of the Chairs, internationalization of science, and pointed out plans for 2018.

According to Gagik Vardanyan, the done work allows us to come to the realization of the vision of becoming a research University, and it is also possible to establish new infrastructures.

The Vice Rector thanked the academic staff of the University for their active involvement in the work, the Media and Public Relations Division, for the proper coverage of the process, Naira Khcheyyan, Head of the Publishing Division of "Tnesnaget" publishing house, for the support of printing materials and economic subdivisions for material support. The  Scientific Board assessed the scientific-research activities of the University as satisfactory, noting that the volume of works is generally fulfilled.

Gagik Vardanyan also  reported  a number of current issues.



ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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