"Best player" and "Fair Game" award winners are our volleyball players

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ASUE men's volleyball team won the 4th place during the championship games of men's volleyball, which pass in the framework of 16th republican sports games among university students on October 20-28. 10 university teams participated in the tournament. The team of Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sports took the first prize. The solemn ceremony of awarding took place yesterday, which was attended by The head of the chair of Physical training, emergency situations Hovhaness Gabrielyan.

ASUEs student-volleyball players won nominal awards: 1st year student Aram Melkonyan became the "Best player" of the championship and 1st year student Levon Harutyunyan was awarded for a "Fair Game". They received a certificate and a symbolic souvenir.

Congratulations to our boys with the successful participation.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.