ASUE Delegate in the "First Open Russian Statistical Congress"

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The head of the ASUE chair of Statistics, associate professor Karen Hakobyab took part in the “First Open Russian Statistical Congress”, held in Novosibirsk on October 20-22, 2015. Our delegate has made 2 reports, "The primary methodological and organizational issues of official statistics of the Republic of Armenia" and "The development and implementation of educational programs in single European higher education area".  

In conversation with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division Karen Hakobyan said that this year The Statistics Day was celebrated with «Better Data, Better Lives» slogan. The lecturer noted that the issues of teaching of statistics, University curricula, and statistical literacy were also discussed at the Congress.

ASUE associate professor has received a certificate of participation and a symbolic souvenir. His reports will be published in the congress book.

Find more information about the above-mentioned Congress at:

Note that 2 Armenian delegates participated at the congress. One from ASUE and second from RA National Statistical Service.

Congratulations to Karen Hakobyan with the successful participation.

Photos were provided by Karen Hakobyan.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.