ASUE Student - Exemplary Soldier: Letter of Gratitude

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ASUE students enlisted in the defense of Homeland are able to replenish the ranks of the best in the first months of the service. This is confirmed by the letter of gratitude addressed to the ASUE Rector and the parents of the soldiers in which commanders of military units express their gratitude for educating a patriotic and conscientious soldier.

The commander of the N military unit has recently sent a letter of gratitude to the 2nd year student of the  Department of Accounting and Auditing Mikayel Tavadyan’s family.

"He is conscientiously fulfilling his constitutional duty to his Homeland, he is a good example for his fellow-friends with  combat readiness and military discipline. Only with such soldiers, our nation will be able to withstand the enemy ... "; it’s stated in the letter.

ASUE is proud of its alumni and wishes peaceful military service to soldiers, who keep the boundaries of our Homeland unbroken.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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