British Professor Spoke about the Peculiarities of the Service Upgrade in Investment Banks

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During this academic year ASUE students gain knowledge through extracurricular lectures, improving both professional and English knowledge. At the  same  time  they got familiar  with international educational experience, revealing a number of economical topics in a new way.

This  opportunity is  provided by the cooperation  signed by Armenian State University of Economics and Swiss UMEF University on April 12, 2017, within the  frames  of  which representatives  of  UMEF  hold lectures for  ASUE members.

Today the  regular meeting was held, Bruce Hearn Ph.D was the  host  lecture, and  the  students have  selected the presented topic beforehand – “The Service  Upgrade Management Process in Investment Banks”.

The meeting  was attended  by Khoren Mkhitaryan, Head of Science  and PhD Division, Mary  Badalyan, acting Dean of the  Department of Accounting and  Auditing, Alvard Sargsyan, the Chair of Financial Accounting, representatives  of the  mentioned Chair  and the Chair  of Managerial Accounting, students.

Bruce Herner first presented his work experience, long-term banking and scientific-pedagogical spheres. In the framework of the topic, the professor explained the essence of the investment bank and the peculiarities of the career management process in financial institutions.

The topic was remarkable especially for those students who want to work in the financial field.

The  el-version of the  lecture  is  available  HERE.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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