Applicants of “Erasmus +" program passed the first test of English language

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ASUE students applicants of “Erasmus +" program today passed the first test of English language. The examination was conducted by ASUE Foreign Relations Division.

In conversation with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan stressed the importance of participation of our students in "Erasmus +" program.

"This program is important for our students and university employees from the point of exchange. Leading foreign Universities give opportunities to our students to gain new abilities, knowledge, as well as a good understanding of international development trends during intercultural contacts. The same processes are also useful for employees who participate in exchange programs”, said the Vice-Rector.

In conversation with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division the head of Foreign Relations Division Vard Ghukasyan said that knowledge of English language was an important prerequisite for participation in "Erasmus +" program. Those students who passed the test will qualify for the interview. According to the head of the Division today's test was attended by 13 students from different departments of our University.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.