"Global marketing": new manual is also available on the official website of ASUE

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The manual "Global marketing" in English, authored by the head of the Chair of Languages Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor Susanna Chalabyan has been published. The book is intended for students of economics, specialists in marketing, as well as for those who want to use professional literature in English.

The manual is allowed for publication by the RA Ministry of Education and Science.

In an interview with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division Susanna Chalabyan noted that the manual "Global marketing" aimed at developing the skills of reading of professional literature and promoted the development of basic terms, used in the field of international marketing and sales.

"Global marketing" is available in the library of the University, as well as on the official website. The book can be downloaded here.

Congratulations to Susanna Chalabyan with the release of the book, we wish her new achievements!

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.