A visit to a military unit completed the series of activities of the Student Council dedicated to 24th anniversary of Independence of RA

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Events organized by the Student Council of ASUE dedicated to 24th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Armenia continue.

A group of ASUE students visited rocket-artillery brigade of the RA Ministry of Defense yesterday. The brigade was celebrating its 4th anniversary on September 23. Students got acquainted with the structure and armament of the military.

          Note that at the initiative of the Student Council dozens of students met the Independence Day of RA at pantheon of military glory "Yerablur". Find the video by clicking the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ZImttwiA5CI

In an interview with our Division a member of ASUE SC Hayk Bejanyan said that a group of ASUE students headed by rector of ASUE Koryun Atoyan and accompanied by Vice-Rector on Students and Alumni Affairs Sevak Khachatryan, as well as the chairman of SC Sergey Kharatyan are visiting one of the units of Armenian Armed Forces at that moment.

Note that the events dedicated to the 24th anniversary of Independence of RA are carries out jointly by ASUE Student Council and Youth Foundation of Armenia.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.