Master’s Degree Students Have Revealed the Degree of Consumers’ Satisfaction from the ASUE Library

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Research component  and team work are stressed during the  courses  of “Project Management” joint Master’s degree program.

A Group of Master’s degree  students have  assessed the consumers’ satisfaction from ASUE library services within  the  frames  of “Project Quality Management” course (Anna Pakhlyan, lecturer of the  mentioned  course, PhD in Economics, senior specialist of Quality Assurance  Division). Today, the  students analyzed the  outcomes  of the research.

Taking into consideration the fact that the main consumers of the library are students, Master’s degree students have conducted surveyed among 50 undergraduate and graduate students.

By the way, most of the students also use the online library, but they prefer the book version from the el-one. When analyzing the outcomes, Master’s degree students also discussed their needs.

As we  have  already mentioned the students are going to present a package of proposals to the University Leadership based on the outcomes of the conducted surveys.

P.S. Another group of  students have  conducted  research and  assessed satisfaction of consumers (students and employees) from ASUE Cupboard and  presented  the outcomes yesterday.

ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division

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