Outcomes of ASUE Annual Conference were Summed up (photos)

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Today, the  final plenary session of ASUE 27th conference “Development of Economy and Society: 21st Century Challenges and Opportunities” was  held, which  was  attended  by Gagik Vardanyan, Vice Rector  of Science  and International Relations, Paruir Kalantaryan, Vice  Rector  of Educational-methodological Matters, Deans, Chairs, Heads  of scientific-educational laboratories  and administrative subdivisions.

Opening the  session Gagik  Vardanyan stated  that the  format of  holding  the conference  for  this  year  has  been  changed  and  it’s unique marafon, as  it has  started  on November 22  and was  over today, involving not only the traditionally organized discussion in departments, but also roundtable ones.

Gagik  Vardanyan  stated  that it was  aimed  at revealing the potential of our  scientists,  promoting to  activities  of the  new  established scientific-educational laboratories  and  outlining interesting research topics for the future. Then the  Vice  Rector  gave  the floor  to coordinators  and sub-coordinators  of  7 departments, who presented  the carried  out  activities, presented reports, pointed  out scientifically the  most  interesting reports  and the ones  full of up-to-date discussions.

P.S. The  conference  was held in the  following 7 departments:

  • "Institutional and Structural Reforms" – coordinator: Atom Margaryan, Director  of  "Innovative and Institutional Research"  scientific-educational laboratory, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
  • "Environmental Economics and the  Environment" – coordinator: Suren Gevorgyan, the  Chair of Environmental Economics, Doctor of Sciences, Professor,
  • "Monitory Policy and Economic Growth" – coordinator: Ashot Matevosyan, Director  of  "Monetary Policy and Economic Growth" scientific-educational laboratory, Doctor of Sciences, Professor,
  • "Financial involvement. Banks and Other Financial Institutions" – coordinator: Sergey Sukiasyan, Director  of  "Financial Inclusion" scientific-educational laboratory, Doctor of Sciences, Associate Professor,
  • "Culture and Social Capital as Factors of Society's Development" – coordinator: Yelena Manukyan, Director of  "Social Research" scientific-educational laboratory, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor,
  • "Foreign Economic Policy and International Integration" – coordinator: Diana Galoyan, the acting Chair of International Economic Relations, Doctor of Sciences, associate Professor,
  • "Territorial Development and Regional Economics" – coordinator: Samvel Avetisyan, Senior researcher of  "AMBERD" research center, Doctor of Sciences, Professor.

In general, the Vice Rector stated that ASUE 27th  conference was successful in spite of some shortcomings  on which proposals were made to be corrected. As proof of interest towards the conference, Gagik Vardanyan presented the views of the coverage of the activity of the conference session in the ASUE website, emphasizing  that about 7,000 views are the evidence that  our  scientists were  interested  in the conducting activities.





ASUE Media and Public Relations Division 

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