The impact of SME development on poverty reduction

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Identification of issues, development perspectives, recommendations: it’s the third day ASUE "Amberd" Research Center discusses the topics the RA Ministries have presented as priority.  Today, "The impact of SME development on poverty reduction in RA marzes" research group members made their reports. The seminar was attended by the director of "Amberd” Research Center Samvel Avetisyan, Dean Atom Markaryan, ASUE scientific staff, researchers and students. The supervisor of the research group is Professor Michael Melkumyan, the members are Professor Anahit Melkumyan, associate professor Frida Baharyan, Susanna Vardanyan, assistant professor Arthur Arakelyan, post graduate students Vardan Marutyuan and Sergey Elaryan.

Arthur Arakelyan made a presentation on "The impact of SME development on poverty reduction in RA marzes", Sergey Elaryan touched upon research purposes, issues solved. Professor Anahit Melkumyan presented the coherent macroeconomic determinants, which describe the level of poverty, after which the attendees discussed issues hampering the development of SMEs.

Mikayel Melkumyan summarized the important aspects.

Concluding, Samvel Avetisyan said the seminar showed that the group was working in the right direction and expressed a hope that by the fall the group would present comprehensive analysis and constructive suggestions.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.