Diaspora as a factor of economic development of RA

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Today a seminar of “Diaspora as a factor of economic development of RA" research project took place at “Amberd” conference hall. The seminar was attended by representatives of ASUE scientific staff, researchers and students. The supervisor of the research group is the director of "Amberd” Research Center Samvel Avetisyan, the members of the group are senior specialist of the research center Suren Babajanyan, junior expert Ashot Kirakosyan, master’s students Hermine Badalyan.

Suren Babajanyan presented a report in which he firstly presented the group's tasks, goals, and then spoke about the Armenia-Diaspora relations, international experience utilization, and investment projects of Diaspora, non-commercial transfers, etc. 

Comments were also made by Ashot Kirakosyan, Armen Grigoryan and Ashot Davoyan. The discussion concluded Samvel Avetisyan.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.