Grigor Gharibyan is 85 years old: ASUE leaders honored and congratulated the renowned economist

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The second part of Academic Council session of Yerevan State University today continued by anniversary ceremony. Corresponding Member of NAS RA, Doctor of Sciences, Professor G. A. Gharibyan turned 85. The solemn session was chaired by the Rector of YSU, corresponding member of NAS RA Aram Simonyan.

ASUE Rector Koryun Atoyan, Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan congratulate the worthy man. Koryun Atoyan delivered a heartfelt speech for his favorite teacher, referring to the big role of Grigor Gharibyan as a scientist, educator in his life.

On behalf of ASUE staff Rector Koryun Atoyan presented him a congratulatory message and a symbolic gift. The message highly assessed Grigor Gharibyan’s invaluable contribution to the development of Armenian economic thought. It emphasized his ideological and principled approach to human and professional relations.

In response, hero of the day, thanked all those present, leadership of the University, and especially the University that gave him an education, a job of a lecturer, administrative positions, and academic titles and still makes him a happy man.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.