Students of “Project Management” Master’s Degree Program Gave Presentations

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Students  of “Project Management” joint Master’s degree program carried  out by Polytechnic University of Valencia (UPV), Armenian State University of Economics (ASUE)  and National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA) have  conducted team work evaluating satisfaction of consumers (students and employees) from ASUE Cupboard and Library services  within the frames  of “Project Quality management” course  recommended  by Anna  Pakhlyan, the lecture of the  mentioned  course, Assistant Professor of the Chair of International Economic Relations, PhD in Economics, senior specialist of ASUE Quality Assurance Division.

Today, the 1st team gave a presentation on “Assessment of Consumers' Satisfaction Level of ASUE Cupboard”.

The Master's degree students analyzed the answers to their surveys in English (50 respondents), evaluating the effectiveness of the Cupboard activity. Students are going to present a package of proposals to the University Leadership based on the outcomes of the conducted surveys.

The team, which has evaluated the effectiveness of the Library activity will present its work tomorrow.


ASUE Media  and Public Relations Division 

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