ASUE employee won sambo wrestling international tournament

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The strongest wrestlers of RA marzes, Yerevan and Artsakh participated in 20th International sambo wrestling tournament, which was jointly initiated by Sambo Federation of Armenia and Children and youth Olympic sports school on sambo and judo.

Armen Gulyan a lecturer of ASUE chair of Physical training, emergency situations participated in the tournament and took the 3rd place (bronze medal).

In conversation with us Arman Gulyan said that it was the first time he participated in the tournament. "It was an interesting and memorable tournament, where Armenian strongest athletes participated. I should note that athletes were competing in 10 weight categories. Sambo wrestling has good traditions in RA, we also have world champions. In fact, on June 20 Sambo Wrestling Championship will take place in Baku, which will be attended by our athletes. I wish good luck to our athletes", said Arman Gulyan.

Congratulations to our colleague, we wish him new victories.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.