Geographical information system as an efficient management guarantee

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ASUE conference hall today hosted the final report of the “Geographical Information Systems” scientific and educational group, which was attended by ASUE Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan, the director of "Amberd” Research Center Samvel Avetisyan, representatives of ASUE scientific staff and students.

Assistant professor of the chair of Environmental Economics Gevorg Aloyan presented the aim, advantages, investment opportunities and proposals of the "Application of Geographical Information systems in the field of real estate management in RA" research topic (supervisor of the group is head of the chair of Environmental Economics, doctor of economics, Professor Suren Gevorgyan).   

Assistant Professor of the chair of Environmental Economics Armen Rubenyan presented the scheme of the GIS and discussed it by several spheres.

Gagik Vardanyan and Samvel Avetisyan asked questions to the speakers.

Gagik Vardanyan expressed gratitude for the work done and for detailed presentation. He mentioned that this was the first group who cooperated with government bodies.

Seminar guest Larisa Manukyan expressed satisfaction with the seminar and hoped that the research will not finish in this phase and will have a logical continuation.


ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.