The presentation of scientific and educational group took place: it is proposed to introduce teo new subjects

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The scientific and educational group "Network economy"presented the outcomes today. The presentation was attended by Vice-Rector for Scientific Affairs and External Relations Gagik Vardanyan, academic staff and students.

In his welcoming speech Gagik Vardanyan highlighted the urgency and importance of this topic.

The supervisor of the group is the head of the Economic computer science and Information Systems chair, Professor Vardan Sargsyan. He presented the group's work in general and mentioned that the summary of the work (yearbook) was placed in the group’s website. The yearbook includes a section 5: "Macro-level", "Micro-level", "Information Security", "Distance labor market", "Education".

Research Group member, post graduate student Rafael Sedrakyan presented the "Macro-level" section, Master students Linna Sargsyan and Ella Aghababyan referred to the "Micro level" and "Information Security" sections. Associate Professor of the chair of Economic computer science and Information Systems Grigor Arkelatyan talked about “Distance labor market” and "Education" sections. Each member of the group presented analyzes, statistics, social surveys, results, recommendations and conclusions.

It is noteworthy that this research group suggests to introduce 2 new subjects. One in bachelor - "Career planning and new models of labor market" and one in Master's Degree "Network economy and new technological solutions in business".

After the presentations, the speakers answered the questions and discussed the main issues.

ASUE Mediaand PublicRelations Division.