Accountants are leading in basketball as well as: the girls' basketball championship summed up

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In the frames of “Student Spring 2015” Festival ASUE student-athletes have competed also in basketball (girls and boys teams). Shortly before, the girl’s championship ended and the prizes were distributed as follows: 1st place in girls championship took the students of Department of Accounting and Auditing, 2nd and 3rd places took Marketing Department, and Department of RE and IER respectively.

During the conversation with ASUE Media and Public Relations Division Associate Professor of the Chair of Physical Training, Emergency Situations and Civil Defense Hakob Kyokchyan said that each year girls become more professional in basketball. "For example, this year the girls are more enthusiastic about the basketball tournament, compared to last year," said the referee.

Note that at this moment the last games of boys’ basketball is taking place, which will determine the winners. The results will published soon.


Congratulations to the winners.

ASUE Media and Public Relations Division.