A new round of education reforms: ASUE Scientific Council session took place

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“We have entered a new phase of educational reforms, which makes to improve education programs, including their practical component," said Vice Rector on Education-Methodological Matters Paruyr  Kalantaryan during today's Scientific Council session. Vice Rector noted that during 2014-2015 academic year 1512 practices were organized. ASUE continues to expand the cooperation with organizations. As a result 10 new contracts were signed. Overall the number of ASUE partners from government and private sectors is 85. At the same time, Vice Rector Paruyr Kalantaryan pointed out shortcomings and problems of the process, noting that without their solution it is impossible to register quality results. "I appreciate the high-quality organization of practices, there should not be a formal thing in this process, it has to improve, because this is our guarantee to provide employment to students, "said Rector Koryun Atoyan. The decision was adopted unanimously.

Thesis topics and supervisors were discussed and approved. Anna Minasyan’s manuals entitled “Organizational Behavior” and ASUE collection of Scientific articles "Modern challenges of development" were approved for publication.

Council also referred to other questions.

Vice Rector Paruyr Kanaltaryan informed the Council members that an expert group has been formed at the University, which will support ASUE improvement process. Vice Rector also reminded the questionnaires of Master’s admissions have to be handed to ASUE Media and Public Relations Division, to be published on ASUE official website.



ASUE Media and Public Relations Division